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Please read our frequently asked questions, before you contact us for further assistance.

Can I see all of the picture in large view?
Yes, you see the picture as it was taken. There was no cropping, that means if the hat is gone, it is gone. In important cases it is possible to alter those pictures. Due to time intensive picture alteration an hourly rate of €50 will be added to the actual print cost.

Is it necessary to crop the pictures for the prints?
We take our pictures in 2:3 format. That means, you would get the picture as you see it on screen for the sizes 4x6 & 8x12 inches.
Due to a different format, our printer produces (8x6 or 10x8) the pictures have to be cutted slightly at the edges, but we are looking for the best aperture before we process your pictures.

The pictures of some indoor shows look very dark. Do they look the same when they are printed?
No, we go through each of the pictures with our laboratory and lighten them if it should be necessary.